Friday, July 2, 2010

What a week! *ANNOUNCEMENT*

I have been a SLACKER! lol. Sorry.

My first week of Radiography school was a whirlwind. They throw so much information at us all at once. It is a little overwhelming actually. Monday was super boring because all we did was read through the handbook. Tuesday we got to tour the department at the hospital, and Wednesday we got to tour the whole hospital. Thursday we all got our ID badges. That was pretty exciting. Then today we started learning patient care. I have had 3 Med Term quizzes already, and one other quiz. I have 3 quizzes to do by Monday. Yeah, it's that crazy. Plus, there is this Religion and Cultures class that I am taking so that I can have 6 credit hours so I can get financial aid. AHHHH!!! So, this is why I haven't posted in a few days. We have had policies and procedures thrown at us all along the way too. It's just craziness, but I love it.

So, that has pretty much taken up most of my time recently. It'll get better when I can get into a routine. I have done so awesome on my diet this week. My 2 weekly goals that I set were to drink at least 64oz of water everyday, and to exercise 30 min. at least 4 times during the week. I totally accomplished those goals. I actually exercised 5 days for longer than 30 min each time. Tomorrow morning is my "weigh in" day. I hope the scale is nice to me. I am not prepared to share my weight with everyone, but I will tell you what I have lost, if anything. This week, I am keeping the same goals, just bumping the 30 minutes up to 40 minutes. Plus I am adding a new goal this week, to only drink 3 cans of pop total through the whole week. I only drink diet anyway, but that is also really bad for you. This goal might be a challenge for me, but I'm up for it.

Jared has to work tomorrow, but he gets Sunday off for the holiday. That is so exciting! I don't know what we are going to do this weekend. We might just hang out at home. We are usually last minute planners, so you never know what we might decide to do.

So, here's what you all have been waiting for.....Jared and I have decided to take the required steps to become licensed foster parents. We are going to an information meeting on July 22nd to see if we will even be able to given our income. There is a guideline that says we cannot be receiving any state aid. The kids have Medicaid and WIC though, but the woman I talked to didn't think that those counted. She said that she thinks it's just food stamps, TANF, section 8, and stuff like that. Makes sense. So, yeah. You are all probably thinking we are crazy right about now, but this is what we feel a calling to do. We will be pretty selective to protect our children, so we might not have a match very often.

I had never even considered fostering before. As many of you know, Jared and I have had our hearts set on adopting internationally for years now. I am not sure now if that is God's plan for us. So, for now, we are following His callings. We are excited and scared all at once. I know that there will be a lot of negative reactions to our decision, but it really wasn't our decision to make, it was God's. All I ask is, if you have something negative to say, please keep it to yourself. We realize that there are people who already think we are nuts for having our children so close together in age, but again, that was God. Everything is done in His timing. If He thinks we are not ready, it won't happen. He will never give us more than He thinks we can handle.

So, that's the "big announcement" everyone has been anxious to hear. So, if you could pray for us, that would be awesome. :o)

Job 19: 25-26
25 I know that my Redeemer lives,
       and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.  26 And after my skin has been destroyed,
       yet in my flesh I will see God;


  1. Thats awesome! I would love to foster or adopt, but we dont make enough money. GL!

  2. You know I think you are crazy:) I guess crazy isn't the work, just in awe that you can juggle it all. Best of luck, you are a great mom and any child that gets to spend time at your house is a lucky child!!!

  3. WOW great news, that is something i love to hear! There are so many kids in foster homes that need the love just like any other child! I hope it all works out for you guys!! I would love to Adopt when my kids are a bit older but my husband doesn't see eye to eye with me on the decision.
